The graph of SNR showing the effect of low noise and high gain offers big advantages in 6G communications:
Reduced communications channel bandwidth for a given data rate.
Better Spectral Efficiency for greater overall capacity.
Greater capacity for a 6G / 5G channel (for a given bandwidth)
Minimum radiation field for a given geographical coverage
RF amplifiers and detectors giving very low noise (without cryogenic cooling), and good high-frequency performance.
RF Mixers (reduced side-bands)
Medical imaging
Analog Amplifiers
Medical neuro-prosthesis (Implantable)
Phase Locked Loop with very low phase noise.
Precision stable oscillators.
Analog/Digital & Digital/Analog conversion (e.g. ADC for 6G/5G).
RF Detectors
Current mirrors
Audio Analog/Analog to Digital CODEC (The reduction of shot-noise).
Video CODECS for video processing.
The comparison between LNBJT, BJT and FET.
The LNBJT (red) achieves the lowest noise
6G Bandwidth limited capacity increases with LNBJT
Current spectral density in 30x30 atom lattice
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