
    • Publication title: A low cost communications media for use in cars:

    • Publication date Dec 11, 1998 Publication description Public access; 

    • Publication description:

    • The design of a secure digital data network (wire physical-layer) with extremely low RF emissions for use in vehicles.

    • Publication title: Exploring Ultra Low Noise Semiconductor Devices

      Publication date Nov 15, 2013  Publication description INSPEC: ISBN:978-1-84919-793-9 / Conference No. 2013/004.

      Publication description: International IET 1st Annual Active and Passive RF Devices Conference (29/10/2013)
      Academic paper proposing a new high-gain Ultra-Low noise semiconductor device
      Title "Exploring Ultra Low Noise Semiconductor devices"

    • Publication title :Exploring ultra low noise semiconductor devices: Publication date 2013 
    • Publication description IEEE/Xplore DOI: 10.1049/ic.2013.0243
      British Library: Publication description: International Active and Passive RF Devices Seminar, 1st Annual Active and Passive RF Devices Conference. 
      Publication Year: 2013 , Page(s): 29 - 32 , Electronic ISBN: 978-1-84919-793-9
      INSPEC Accession Number: 14282129: Publication date Jun 4, 2012  publication description INSPEC

    • Publication title: The study of charge carrier transport in the semiconductor lattice

    •                                         ISNI   0000 0001 3607 9636 : Publication date 2002,  publication description  British Library /University of Surrey

      Publication description: The atomistic modelling of low dimensional semiconductor junctions
    • Research read in 80+ countries. Studies charge transport at a quantum level.

    • See publication The study of charge carrier transport in the semiconductor lattice. 


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Some Patents Granted/Pending:

  • Patent title: Data processing system with improved latency and associated methods: US 6,531,889. 
  • Patent date: Issued Feb 20, 2003  Patent issuer and number:  Excalibur SoC, (System on Chip) Patent Description :

  • Method for reducing the latency in a DSP/Processor processing interrupts.

  • A Low-Cost Data Network Physical Layer with very low RF emissions

  • Local communication system and apparatus :US 6,473,469B1  Patent date Issued Oct 29, 2002, Patent description:

     A local area network for Automotive use is based on a ring of twisted pair cable links (UTP), each carrying at least 1.4 Mbps gross data rate.
  • Each station on the network includes an encoder and a following station includes a decoder for PSK (phase shift keying) modulated serial data.

  • Very low EMI (RF) emissions for secure network encoding:

Low noise semiconductor amplifier: US 7,141,865/AN US2003034798, Patent date: Issued Jun 2002  Patent issuer USA, Patent description:

 An ultra low noise semiconductor amplifier structure formed from layers of differently doped semiconductor material.

Clock recovery without Data transitions

(for Phase Locked Loops (PLL) applications): GB2359223, Patent date: Issued 2001  Patent issuer and number:

A High Contrast Photonic Device for use in LISA/LIGO: GB2540211

Patent date: Filed Aug 1, 2016 Patent issuer and number: US USXXXX

A high contrast semiconductor Photonic device for LIGO/LISA: GB1512126.2

Patent date: Filed Jul 24, 2015,  Patent description:

 The patent describes an ultra low noise semiconductor photonic detector, and can be used at very low incident flux levels (5fW/Rt. Hz.): Granted 4/2021

Transistor with highly doped collector region to reduce noise when used as an amplifier: GB2356286A (B)

2001-05-16 • Leitch James  [GB]
Earliest priority: 1999-07-07 • Earliest publication: 2001-05-16: Low Noise transistor: GB2356286

Data processing system with improved latency and associated methods: US6531889B1

2003-03-11 • Leitch, James for ALTERA CORP [US]
Earliest priority: 2000-10-10 • Earliest publication: 2003-02-20

Reducing transformer inter-winding capacitance

Patent date: Issued 1998  Patent issuer and number US5781077A

Resistance indicating electrical testing equipment for testing insulation under high voltage conditions:

1976-10-12 • Edgcumbe Peebles (Instruments) Ltd.
Earliest priority: 1974-01-19 • Earliest publication: 1976-10-12


The use of DNA mutations and evolution to study historical relationships in the population.

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